Monday, March 18, 2013

I got to Snitch about Snitch

Hey everyone its Joy sitting in to enjoy a true story Snitch starring Dwayne Johnson also known as The Rock. Dwayne Johnson has done it all in films as it has been told by many critics, but I can go as far as to say he has done it all very well. Snitch is not your family film, but without a doubt if you love a great drama come out and enjoy Snitch. The Rock gives one of his most heartfelt performances as he shows how far a father will truly go for his son. Snitch will take you through a heartfelt of emotions without a doubt an unexpected ending. I give this 5 big oinks and a Rock sized squeal for an amazing performance. We have a great week of shows with The Great and Powerful Oz playing as well. We do have the long waited Call of Duty Black Ops 2 tournament happening this Friday, so kickoff Spring Break with some XBOX 360 action to play in the tournament $5 signup at the theatre and a $6.50 entry when signed up online.
Come up and remember we will be open all Spring Break, so if your in town for the week off of school.

Love yall

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