Friday, March 29, 2013

Capitol 2 Hosting The Host lol lol

I remember slipping in the first Twilight movie a vampire romance movie with a few cast members that were massively known at the time, but now fast forwarding to Twilight Breaking Dawn part 2 where it becomes the #2 book to movie series next to the legendary Harry Potter. The biggest question is can Stephanie Meyer top the Twilight movie series. I have to squeal a huge yes, as Stephanie Meyer kept with the Breaking Dawn style of movie filled with a deep intense plot, steamy romance, and truly an epic battle. This sci-fi romance will be one that will keep you on the edge of your seat all the way till the end with you wanting to know when will part 2 arrive. After reading the book I was glad to see that it went page to page which has always been a positive note for movie fans and book readers.
Everyone will have something to take away from The Host that will bring you back. We were so happy to get the start of what will be an amazing movie series from Stephanie Meyer. Always look for the most up to date movie times, movies coming to Capitol 2, but also movies were actively pursuing on the website and also on the Capitol 2 Facebook page.
I have to give The Host 5 big oinks and a mega movie squeal. Come on out and be apart of the start of this great movie series.

Love yall,

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Love seeing all the new faces and The Croods.

Wow I am a sleepy little piggy with the late night of Call of Duty Black Ops 2 and two birthdays this morning plus we have a new movie The Croods, which has had amazing numbers to kick off Spring Break. I love animation movies the star studded voices is just a small part that made this movie something special. I am not much of a whiney piggy, but I lost fighting back tears by the end of this movie as did mommy, but I did what I do best snuggle and she is all happy now. The animation had me fascinated throughout the entire movie along with an accurate storyline. Eep played by Emma Stone shows that she is a remarkable actress no matter if it is her or just her voice on the big screen. The dad Grug played by Nicholas Cage stole the show with an amazing voice performance that stole the hearts of many of the movie goers this weekend. I recommend bringing a tissue and the whole family for the first amazing family animation movie for the spring season. I just want to thank everyone who has came out this weekend in hopes many more show up as the little ones have Spring Break off. We also have Oz: The Great and Powerful playing for those who want a little scare. I give The Croods 5 big oinks and a semi squeal since I don’t like to cry in movies. Come on out tell them Joy sent ya.

Love yall,

Monday, March 18, 2013

I got to Snitch about Snitch

Hey everyone its Joy sitting in to enjoy a true story Snitch starring Dwayne Johnson also known as The Rock. Dwayne Johnson has done it all in films as it has been told by many critics, but I can go as far as to say he has done it all very well. Snitch is not your family film, but without a doubt if you love a great drama come out and enjoy Snitch. The Rock gives one of his most heartfelt performances as he shows how far a father will truly go for his son. Snitch will take you through a heartfelt of emotions without a doubt an unexpected ending. I give this 5 big oinks and a Rock sized squeal for an amazing performance. We have a great week of shows with The Great and Powerful Oz playing as well. We do have the long waited Call of Duty Black Ops 2 tournament happening this Friday, so kickoff Spring Break with some XBOX 360 action to play in the tournament $5 signup at the theatre and a $6.50 entry when signed up online.
Come up and remember we will be open all Spring Break, so if your in town for the week off of school.

Love yall

Saturday, March 9, 2013

The greatest and most powerful movie at Capitol 2

Hey folks sorry for the late review, but here we go. The movie that I have been waiting for since the premier preview from start you can tell the movie is touching the hearts of The Wizard of Oz fans. Oz: The Great Powerful brings James Franco in certainly a role that he will be recognized for the duration of his career. The movie begins as a mischievous wizard finds himself in a bit of trouble and in need of a change gets swept up by a tornado. The story I know reads as a repeat, but without a doubt many twists that you will love.
The critics have deemed this movie not as magical as the 1950’s classic. This made me squeal as its been said that this movie is an individual classic created in  the image of the 1950’s classic with breaking edge screen play.
The one concern I found that most would have is will it be a completely outlandish movie derived from a truly classic film such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. This is truly worth being compared to the original tale. If you loved the classic movie you will love this movie. One of the things that always terrified me when watching The Wizard of Oz are the scary flying monkeys for this one they’ve got scarier.
The heroic tale brings about every emotion and truly perfect for a family movie. Sometimes we find that who we need to be is exactly who we want to be in the end what is truly stopping you. The best thing is that it shows to be an individual, but it gives you little gifts to remind you what this movie is creating one of the greatest family films of all time. I give this movie 5 big oinks and a squeal of a good time.

Love yall

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Standing awe of Safe Haven

I was getting tucked into my favorite movie seat with some of my favorite treats waiting for what I thought was going to be filled with tissues and many pieces of chocolate consumed. It was as the movie cut into the credits that I realized I seen one of the biggest surprises of 2013. A movie series that has always made me cry Nicholas Sparks have touched the hearts of many female pigs. Safe Haven brought something magical as most of the movies walked a line, but this one goes to the beat of its own drum. The classic chick flick over the past few years has been revolutionized making them into a true real life romance. Josh Duhamel and Julianne Hough put on a performance of a lifetime with an on screen chemistry that broke new boundaries, but it also helps that Josh is dreamy.
The big twist comes where you least expect it sometimes you realize when you truly need to escape reality you don’t have to go far away. If you’re in need of an escape you never have too far to go come and enjoy a movie at Capitol 2. I give this movie 5 big oinks and a squeal for an outstanding performance.    

Love yall,