Friday, February 1, 2013

Our big surprise of the movie year

Howdy folks finally Warm Bodies cozied up with the brisk winter beating on the door of the movie theater. In this movie critics have called this the first big surprise of 2013. I am so excited as from the beginning I can tell I will be cuddling with my sisters and mommy to see this movie. I also wonder what is daddy going to think about this movie. The cast from this movie is filled with co-stars of some of the great romantic comedies and teen fling films. The soundtrack comes from your classic 80’s films. 
This film even before the plot developed had me squealing with laughter as the character development was said, “What’s the goofiest thing we can do to these characters?”
John Malkovich is by far in his comfort zone in this movie which I am sure will take this movie to another level for horrific comedies. It’s obvious within the first 20 minutes you know you’re in for a movie unlike you have ever seen. This is a movie for everyone as it has a mix of every genre with a mix of many decades 70’s- today has influence in this movie.
If you have followed this movie from the opening trailer till now it is without a doubt more than what the movie critics and features told you this movie would be. 
This movie I give 5 big oinks and a squeal for comedy and hot resurrected zombie in R. We will still hold our $10 deal from now till Valentines Day for during the week shows. Now on to Lincoln its going to be a can’t miss time at the movie theatre. Keep up with us in Facebook and the website.

Love yall,

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