Saturday, January 19, 2013

YAY another GUY flick

Hey Capitol 2 fans Joy here ready to endure another guy flick with Jack Reacher, in the end I guess I can’t complain it stars Tom Cruise a great piece of man meat. We have three new amazing previews as well, so come early and see what we could have in theatres this spring and summer movie season. I have been in heaven with the response to vote for movies keep the votes coming, so we keep knowing what you want to see because this doesn’t work without you guys. I am very intrigued by this movie as the past few movies done by Tom Cruise gave a glimpse into what Tom Cruise was back in the 90’s and earlier.
The mystery of this movie is the real intrigue with how this story comes together a rouge agent turned ghost being found only when wanting to be found. He is brought out of hiding when a young girl is murdered and the one who is sitting on death row simply writes GET JACK REACHER.  The old saying goes be careful what you wish for as he arrives to find the man sitting on death row in a coma after being beaten on his way to the prison.
The story builds not only with the plot also that surrounds the plot. The bar scene is classic with cheesy pick up lines and a joke no woman should ever hear and a bar fight that is straight out of a classic Tom Cruise film. This movie without any surprise isn’t a Golden Globe winner or Oscar Nominee, but stars one of the most legendary actors in movie’s today which makes this movie one to see as its evident the direction of characters Tom Cruise is going after which will certainly land him in some Oscar and Golden Globe Awards for performance and movies. Guys, if you can sneak away from watching Les Miserables I highly recommend watching Jack Reacher it has everything Les Miserable has just no singing, and no Golden Globe or Oscar Award nominations.
I give this movie 4 big oinks and squeal for the hot action and leading actor. I will be back to review Les Miserable that has been on fire in the box office and award shows this winter. Remember come out and see me if I am not here tell them Joy sent you.

Love ya all,

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