Saturday, January 19, 2013

This will be a great movie for years to come

Hey folks Joy again to review our second 2013 Golden Globe award winner of the new-year, with Les Miserables. The trend of releasing stage classics has been hit or miss with a few films, but Les Miserable is a homerun. I can’t think of any reason of why not to see this movie. It’s got action, romance, comedy, tragedy, and triumph along with many catchy songs. I also recommend bring a tissue as this was a tearjerker for even a tough piggy like me.
The storyline runs exactly with the musical that has been seen all over the world in many different languages. Anne Hathaway has played in some very emotional roles, but without a doubt in an out of the box role for her. She nails it. I was concerned with the singing that it would make me miss the long list of star studded cast, but by far each cast member has set the bar higher for their next roles.
Les Miserables gets 4 big oinks and a singing squeal for by far one of the best musical to film change since Sound of Music. Everyone please come out and enjoy this film as I am sure this will turn into a must see film and top film for future pigs to come. I’m sure to be out and about to visit everyone again soon. See you at the movies if not tell them Joy sent you.

Love you all,

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