Saturday, January 19, 2013

This will be a great movie for years to come

Hey folks Joy again to review our second 2013 Golden Globe award winner of the new-year, with Les Miserables. The trend of releasing stage classics has been hit or miss with a few films, but Les Miserable is a homerun. I can’t think of any reason of why not to see this movie. It’s got action, romance, comedy, tragedy, and triumph along with many catchy songs. I also recommend bring a tissue as this was a tearjerker for even a tough piggy like me.
The storyline runs exactly with the musical that has been seen all over the world in many different languages. Anne Hathaway has played in some very emotional roles, but without a doubt in an out of the box role for her. She nails it. I was concerned with the singing that it would make me miss the long list of star studded cast, but by far each cast member has set the bar higher for their next roles.
Les Miserables gets 4 big oinks and a singing squeal for by far one of the best musical to film change since Sound of Music. Everyone please come out and enjoy this film as I am sure this will turn into a must see film and top film for future pigs to come. I’m sure to be out and about to visit everyone again soon. See you at the movies if not tell them Joy sent you.

Love you all,

YAY another GUY flick

Hey Capitol 2 fans Joy here ready to endure another guy flick with Jack Reacher, in the end I guess I can’t complain it stars Tom Cruise a great piece of man meat. We have three new amazing previews as well, so come early and see what we could have in theatres this spring and summer movie season. I have been in heaven with the response to vote for movies keep the votes coming, so we keep knowing what you want to see because this doesn’t work without you guys. I am very intrigued by this movie as the past few movies done by Tom Cruise gave a glimpse into what Tom Cruise was back in the 90’s and earlier.
The mystery of this movie is the real intrigue with how this story comes together a rouge agent turned ghost being found only when wanting to be found. He is brought out of hiding when a young girl is murdered and the one who is sitting on death row simply writes GET JACK REACHER.  The old saying goes be careful what you wish for as he arrives to find the man sitting on death row in a coma after being beaten on his way to the prison.
The story builds not only with the plot also that surrounds the plot. The bar scene is classic with cheesy pick up lines and a joke no woman should ever hear and a bar fight that is straight out of a classic Tom Cruise film. This movie without any surprise isn’t a Golden Globe winner or Oscar Nominee, but stars one of the most legendary actors in movie’s today which makes this movie one to see as its evident the direction of characters Tom Cruise is going after which will certainly land him in some Oscar and Golden Globe Awards for performance and movies. Guys, if you can sneak away from watching Les Miserables I highly recommend watching Jack Reacher it has everything Les Miserable has just no singing, and no Golden Globe or Oscar Award nominations.
I give this movie 4 big oinks and squeal for the hot action and leading actor. I will be back to review Les Miserable that has been on fire in the box office and award shows this winter. Remember come out and see me if I am not here tell them Joy sent you.

Love ya all,

Friday, January 4, 2013


I’m so happy for the first little piggy movie of 2013. We have some of the great little piggy movies set for 2013 movie release in the previews for Wreck It Ralph, so make the previews and don’t forget we take high consideration of our movie selections from what is said on Facebook and what we hear around the theatre, so if you want it make sure you like us on Facebook and tell us about it. Just to let you know when we hit 1,000 likes on the Capitol 2 Movie Theatre page we will have a huge surprise for all.
As an added bonus if you have seen a Disney movie in the past two to three years an added additional animated movie is on the previews. I have to say this one is one of the cutest I have seen.
Wreck It Ralph has Iowa connections as the design of the arcade is from the most famous old-fashioned arcade in Iowa Triple Galaxy Arcade in Ottumwa, Iowa, which is closed now.
The Wreck It Ralph plot is very unique with the videogame theme. The interaction between the characters reads as a sitcom does which will make this very fun for the mommy and daddy piggy. For the gamers who enjoyed the earlier game systems will love this movie as it goes through the classic arcade games.
The screenplay is outstanding for a Disney animation movie with a mixture of the 8 bit arcade graphics along with the full digital graphics in videogames.
I squealed all through the movie with the comedic cast the script gives a scream to both mommy and daddy piggy along with little piggy. I give this movie 5 huge oinks and a big squeal as I highly recommend this movie, as everyone in the family will enjoy it. We have two great movies this week to kick off 2013 come on out, as 2013 will be a banner year for Capitol 2 Movie Theatre.

Love always

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

1st Big Movie in 2013

Hey happy 2013 to all the Capitol 2 fans. I heard all the boys had fun at the Free Madden 2013 tournament we had a good turnout and looking to improve on the second tournament. We will be kicking off 2013 with one of the most impactful films of 2012 Life of Pi. I kept looking around for the big names in the movie, but read the director didn’t want any big names in the film, as it would have been distracting from the goal of being an amazing film.
The story starts slow, but a struggling author comes to find Pi Pattel, who had a story to make him believe in God. Parts of the story is in Hindi, but is captioned at the bottom of the screen. From minute one I was in awe of the screenplay, which has been compared to one of the greatest screenplay movie Avatar.  
This movie is without a doubt for the mature piggy, while the young piglets may get lost in the message of the movie. The journey of this movie is magical that is visually stunning. The complete product on the cover does not sound like a movie that would lead in Oscar nominations as it’s predicted to be in over half of the categories in The Oscar award show that nominations will be announced this Friday (January 4th) with the actual show will be live on February 24th. Life of Pi will be joined with Wreck It Ralph which is on top of all predictions for all the animated at the Oscar Award Show. This truly will be an Oscar studded month at the movie theatre. One of the things that impressed me about this movie was the number of animals in the movie that I later found was computer generated.
The story remains strong no major twist, but the director brought the major twists in with the screenplay from the basics to stuff you wouldn’t even think of from day to night scenes.
The last storm of the movie leaves you in awe with the script, screenplay, and every other aspect of film. This movie wasn’t about big names or raising the bar in every aspect of film, but rather to know the experience of an amazing movie. I usually don’t watch outside of the box films like this, but its something that I will never forget. I give this 5 big oinks and a reminder to all come out and watch this film. Show times are on the website and can be sent to your cellphone by texting “FLIX” to 33733.
Look for next review “Wreck It Ralph” as we will have two new movies starts in 2 days.