Thursday, November 22, 2012

Finally a chick flick for all ages

Sooooo Whhheeeeeyy finally the first chick flick for all ages has came to the theater with “Pitch Perfect”. The singing in this movie without a doubt the best in a chick flick. Mommy always says don’t judge a movie by the poster as this screams teen flick it features songs from the 80’s, 90’s, and some from today. Have to admit this movie has a cute cheese factor with the romance between the rivals. The songs and one line jokes made me squeal through the whole show. This movie will leave you singing out the door, but make sure you stay till the end while the production has some bonus feature during the credits. I give “Pitch Perfect” 4 big oinks because the ending was unfair leaving me drooling for more. As always love to greet everyone, but I can be a sleepy piggy, so if I am not there tell them Joy sent you. In great news we cleared over 1,000 viewers for Twilight which is driving piggy crazy with love for Newton be prepared for more deals along the way. Like us on Facebook and Share it with friends.


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