Thursday, November 22, 2012

Finally a chick flick for all ages

Sooooo Whhheeeeeyy finally the first chick flick for all ages has came to the theater with “Pitch Perfect”. The singing in this movie without a doubt the best in a chick flick. Mommy always says don’t judge a movie by the poster as this screams teen flick it features songs from the 80’s, 90’s, and some from today. Have to admit this movie has a cute cheese factor with the romance between the rivals. The songs and one line jokes made me squeal through the whole show. This movie will leave you singing out the door, but make sure you stay till the end while the production has some bonus feature during the credits. I give “Pitch Perfect” 4 big oinks because the ending was unfair leaving me drooling for more. As always love to greet everyone, but I can be a sleepy piggy, so if I am not there tell them Joy sent you. In great news we cleared over 1,000 viewers for Twilight which is driving piggy crazy with love for Newton be prepared for more deals along the way. Like us on Facebook and Share it with friends.


Saturday, November 17, 2012


WOW what a scary movie week with “Twilight Breaking Dawn part 2” and “Hotel Transylvania” added to the line up. Well I can say this I am never signing on for a beginning of a Twilight movie. Twilight will drive you crazy with emotions from laughter to tears. If you’re a fan make sure you bring your tissues as this will be a tearjerker. I remember seeing all the movies and wondering how strong Bella would be as a vampire which I am sure would give any male piggy nightmares. The temperature of this movie gets so hot it could turn me into bacon. Speaking of meat just a reminder to the teenage girlies meat any girls squealing at the two hot pieces of man meat of Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson will be sent to the basement lol. The newest Twilight character Renesmee is one of the sweetest young faces that I am sure Twilight and Capitol II fans will be in love with. The action left me squealing the final battle scene and preparing to battle the evil Voltari. Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 is full of action, suspense, romance, and many other emotions that will keep you in your seats through out the show. My family wanted me to remind everyone to not be running around the movie theatre as it disturbs others watching the movie. Mommy was very stern about this so listen up she don’t like naughtiness. This series started out as cheese love movie, but has evolved into a truly classic movie series. I have heard many people come in during presales saying that this will be as bad as the others, but I be willing to bet the popcorn on that falls on the ground tonight that not a person left the midnight showing disappointed with this movie. Twilight for a non-action movie had one of the best action sequences this year. Twilight will tug at your heart and give a major clue on an answer to the question how can you Twilight go on and live forever, love.
Come out enjoy the movie make sure if you see me at the theatre pet me, feed me, and love me if not make sure to tell Mommy or Daddy or my sisters Joy sent you. I also give “Twilight Breaking Dawn: Part 2” five big oinks and a set of tissues for anyone who comes to see it.
A movie for all the little piglets “Hotel Transylvania” looks to be a squeal a minute when a human stumbles upon the monsters hotel owned by Count Dracula played by Adam Sandler. The classic comedic team of Adam Sandler, Kevin James, David Spade, and Jon Lovitz would show to be a classic, but in the end I could only see young piglets having a laugh a minute. It’s a classic animation romance with some comedy with an emphasis on romantic. I give it 4 oinks as I know it could have been funnier, but still a good movie. I highly recommend pick it up on DVD as it will be a Halloween classic.
I also want to let you know to be checking the Facebook page everyday. This is going to be quite a night with over 200 people showing up tonight which we found out that this is a record for a midnight showing. Speaking of record numbers I have found that were close to 800 fans with 755 on Facebook, so a little pre-new years resolution to reach 1,000 fans on Facebook if we reach 1,000 fans the biggest Facebook deal will be made trust me.

Love you all,

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Such an exciting week

WOW, what a busy opening week at Capitol II. It was great to see many of my good friends and family, but also have the chance to make new friends. I just wanted to let you know what was going on for the upcoming week. Looper will end this coming Thursday, which left customers astonished with the action packed acting by Bruce Willis and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I am too young of a pig to be seeing this rated R movie. Mommy wanted to remind everyone that no one under the age of 17 is permitted to see any rated R movie without an adult in attendance. I heard from many of the guys coming out of Looper that it was everything a guy could want in a movie. I asked one of the guys if you had to rank the movie from one to five oinks with five oinks being best how would you rank it. Many of the gentleman gave me five big oinks make sure you look for it to be coming out on DVD real soon. 

We will be keeping my personal favorite of our two opening week movies “Here Comes The Boom”. This movie made me happier than snuggling with my favorite blanky. The comedy duo of Kevin James and Henry Winkler kept me squealing all through the movie. James plays a teacher helping his music teacher friend Winkler to raise money to save the music program. The comedy makes it great for the little piglets at home, but also a fun movie for the older piggies. I give “Here Comes The Boom” five big oinks.

The movie starting next week will be the animated spooky classic “Hotel Transylvania”. Mostly anything with vampires I would want to go hide in my heated outhouse, but with this cast the squeals will be that of laughter as classic comedy actors Adam Sandler, Kevin James, David Spade, and Jon Lovitz join new names Selena Gomez, Andy Samberg, and CeeLo Green. The story brings your classic scary story movie characters together at a 5-star hotel owned by Dracula (Sandler). Dracula’s daughter is having her 118th birthday wow that older than mommy lol. Something drastically goes wrong as a human finds the hotel and shows to have eyes for this much older woman. “Hotel Transylvania” has been out for eight weeks, but if your looking for a funny animation movie with some adult humor then your going to go hog wild for this movie. I give this movie 5 big oinks as it is great for families and great for the young ones who love to pet me as I stay with my family as they work. 
SOOOO WHEEEY hold up talking about all these vampires wanted to remind all of you that we still have a slop bucket of tickets still left for “Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2”. We will be having a 10 pm show along with a 12:15 am show on Thursday Night the 15th and Friday morning the 16th. Come on out I may be out at the 10 pm show, but mommy doesn’t like me to stay up too late. 
I will be back with a full review of “Breaking Dawn part: 2” and possibly announcing another movie maybe Skyfall or any more events that will be held at Capitol II. Make sure you come on out and see my mommy, daddy, and sisters at Capitol II and tell them Joy sent you.

Oink Oink,


P.S: I am a big fan of all local food.